Pharmacist Medication Review

The more medication a person takes, the greater chance of medication-related harm. 66% of Australians over the age of 75 take 5 or more medications. 88% of these people experience side effects, many of whom do not realise.

A Clinical Pharmacist will conduct a thorough assessment of current medications, including complementary medications.

Topics covered include:

  • The purpose for the medication and whether the dose is appropriate.
  • How to correctly administer the medications. This may include inhalation techniques for puffers and nasal sprays.
  • Any potential side effects which may be experienced.
  • Drug interactions. These can include drug-drug, drug-food and drug-disease interactions,that is, medications which may worsen a pre-existing medical condition.

The Clinical Pharmacist will then report any findings to the referring physician who will then collaborate with the respective allied health professionals, which may include your General Practitioner, and appropriate action may then be taken.

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